Mohamed Farkous

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DOB: 25 November 1954

Nationality: Algerian

Location: Algeria

Ideology/Affiliation: Salafism

Type of Leader: Preacher/ Propagandist


Ali Ferkous is a well known Algerian Salafi/Madkhali preacher in Algeria. For most of the followers of the Salafi school of thought, Sheikh Ferkous is the most prominent Salafi preacher in the country.

Although Ferkous only communicates his religious opinions through his official website, most of his Fatwas are criticized because of their extremist nature. Ferkous’s followers describe him as close to the Salafi/Wahabi establishment in Saudi Arabia, especially to networks linked to the Saudi Rabi’ al-Madkhali, the famous Saudi preacher.

The Ministry of Religious Affairs in Algeria has criticised Ferkous’ views several times. His Fatwas are usually described as a threat to national unity in local press outlets. 

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Evidence of Hate Speech/Incitement:

2021: In one of his religious opinions, Ferkous has described the celebration of the Amazigh (Berber) new year “Yennayer” in Algeria by the Amazigh population as a pagan celebration. 

2018: Ferkous excluded other Sunni and non-Sunni schools of thoughts in Algeria from the Sunni community  (اهل السنة والجماعة).

Video Links:

Ferkous calls Shia “polytheist” in his religious opinion on whether a Sunni woman can marry a Shia man

Muslims shouldn’t obtain the nationality of a non-Muslim country


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